Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Thanksgiving Invocation

This was my invocation at our (Yoon, Sung Cho, Brian, Emily and me) Thanksgiving Day dinner today:
To the unknown great men who tamed fire and the horse, and invented the written word and the wheel,

To Aristotle and Euclid and Archimedes,

To Al Khwarizmi and Galileo and Newton,

To Ada Lovelace and Charles Darwin and Ayn Rand,

To Alan Turing and John von Neumann and Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie,

To Alan Kay, Grady Booch, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin,

Let us give thanks to them and to the Human race, for making this a world fit for the Human race to live on!
So maybe you can tell what I teach. Next year we'll hear what Yoon's list is.

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