Monday, January 25, 2010

Leonard Peikoff recommends Ira Levin's "This Perfect Day"

(I am posting this from Blogger because it was blocked from being posted directly on Facebook - someone reported the link as "abusive." Blast the coward's veto!)

Leonard Peikoff writes: ... it is rare to find anyone who understands the basic identity of Christianity and Communism. In this context, therefore, I want to plug an old dystopian novel, This Perfect Day, by a good writer, Ira Levin, whose works and ideas are mixed — at different points of his life he was an admirer and then an enemy of Objectivism. Despite its philosophic inconsistencies, however, I found the book compelling for a number of reasons, but the relevant one here is indicated by
this example: the children in the book’s future totalitarian state learned to skip rope while reciting a paean to four heroes on whom their way of life is based. Two of the four are fictional. The other two are Marx and Christ.

(Full text: Impact, newsletter of the Ayn Rand Institute - PDF)


Nick Manley said...

Did one of your friends label it abusive?!?!

It must have traveled elsewhere and been so labeled...

C.W. said...

I have read the book, years ago, and I remember it as enjoyable and having a fairly clear difference betweent the good and the bad. I still have the book. I got it after reading about it somewhere i Obj. material.