Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sarah Palin: Still a Reality-Proof Advocate of Abstinence-"Education"

If Sarah Palin got her way, every child in America would receive the same kind of abstinence-"education" that Palin gave to her own children. As one woman wrote,

This is just so sad.

This poor 17-year-old girl is now saddled with a baby, trapped in a marriage that is statistically doomed to fail, with pretty much no hope of a college education, a career, a future...

And all because her mother abdicated her responsibility as a parent by not teaching her child the basic biology of sex.

My mom taught me about responsible sex. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but she did it anyway. And she taught me about abortion, too, which was more awkward and uncomfortable, but she made it clear that in case of accidental pregnancy, she was my first stop. She'd take me to Planned Parenthood, she'd pay for the procedure, she'd hold my hand the whole time, she'd love me anyway, and she'd help me to get on with my life.

Too bad this kid didn't have my mom instead of hers. She could have had a future. Now she's just stuck.

Theocratic politics is a new phenomenon in America, and so we don't have (yet) a scale of toxicity for its gradations. So I'll borrow the scale from the history of the left. George W. Bush is the theocon equivalent of a Social-Democrat. Sarah Palin, on the same scale, scores as a Maoist. The kind that saw the results of Mao's cultural revolution, as we are seeing the result of the Christianist revolution that Sarah Palin imposed on her family, and kept on believing, and kept on destroying every human life in his path.

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